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Space Media

Virtual Reality Entertaining Space E-Book

Virtual Reality when first conceived in 1860 has grown to be used as a form of Simulation and Entertainment for Health, Entertainment, Scientific, and New World experiences. Specifically written for the Space Industry. This is a look at the history and the new innovative new developments of the latest Virtual Reality products and the impact they have on the World whilst the opportunity to create New Experiences become possible. Click the image to go to the Amazon page for purchase.

3D Space Photography

Space 3D-Steereoscopic Photography from Blog:

Following are Photographs edited into 3D Sterosdcopics linked to Orlando Turner’s work through business sites

Please enjoy all the visual 3D Stereoscopic and Holography Research and Development since 2011:

Genesis 1v2 VR 360

The Bible Genesis 1v2 360 is an VR Experience of Genesis 1v2"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

photo of green leafed plants

Genesis 1v1 VR 360

The Bible Genesis 1v1 360 is an VR Experience of Genesis 1v1:"In the beginning God created the earth."

Asteroids animation

3D Animation of Asteroids for the Space industry students.

Purple Lights in Space

Purple Lights in Space (09-11-2009)17-11-2016 3D